Fish Hooks Wiki
Fish Hooks Wiki
Fish Hooks Wiki

When Milo and Jocktopus are invited on a police ride-along, they're convinced it means they're real cops - and set out to prove it.

Episode Summary[]

End Credits[]




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Running Gags[]

Bud's Pets &...[]

Memorable Quotes[]

Example: Please place the memorable quotes here

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Name: This is an example of a memorable quote.
Example: For multiple memorable quotes please use multiple dialogue boxes

Name: This is an example of a memorable quote.

If there needs to be an explanation explaining anything during this Line, use these sups.
Example: One lined memorable quotes also use the dialogue template.

Background Information[]

  • Oscar has no lines in this episode but Justin Roiland is still credited.

Production Information[]


  • In one of the trailers for this episode, the Disney Channel announcer says "Jocktopus and Oscar" when Jocktopus and Milo are the stars of the episode.



  • The Title is Similar to the Tv Show Hawaii Five-O


designates a character that did not appear in this episode


Previously produced episode:
"South Pafishic"
"Freshwater Five-O" Next produced episode:
"Pool Party Panic"
Previously aired episode:
"Unresolved Fishues"
Next aired episode:
"Labor of Love"
