Fish Hooks Wiki
Fish Hooks Wiki
Fish Hooks Wiki

When Milo gets a free milkshake, he wants the excitement and the drink to last forever, but Bea and Oscar are forced to intervene after Milo names the milkshake Emily and insists on spending quality time with it.

Episode Summary[]

End Credits[]


  • No No No
  • My Shake



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Running Gags[]

Bud's Pets &...[]

  • Interventions

Memorable Quotes[]

Example: Please place the memorable quotes here

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Name: This is an example of a memorable quote.
Example: For multiple memorable quotes please use multiple dialogue boxes

Name: This is an example of a memorable quote.

If there needs to be an explanation explaining anything during this Line, use these sups.
Example: One lined memorable quotes also use the dialogue template.

Background Information[]

Production Information[]




  • This episode is similar to the SpongeBob SquarePants episode "To Love A Patty," in which SpongeBob cooks a Krabby Patty and immediately falls in love with it.


designates a character that did not appear in this episode


Previously produced episode:
"Guys' Night Out"
"Milo's Magical Shake" Next produced episode:
"Science Fair Detective Mystery"
Previously aired episode:
"Unfinished Doll Business"
Next aired episode:
"Spiders Bite"
