Fish Hooks Wiki
Fish Hooks Wiki
Fish Hooks Wiki

Milo finds a Siamese fighting fish, and uses his skills to intimidate Jocktopus and stop him from bullying everyone at school. But with the ninja at his side, Milo becomes hungry with power and eventually turns into the bully and traps everyone in fish bowls like a pound for fish.

Episode Summary[]


End Credits[]



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Running Gags[]

Bud's Pets & ...[]

  • Kung Fu Lessons

Memorable Quotes[]

Jocktopus: (to Milo) Say goodbye to your face. 'Cause Jocktopus has eight friends who want to meet it. (Kisses all eight tentacles) (Kisses eighth arm again) This one is Jocktopus' favorite.

Background Information[]

  • This is the first episode that Randy Pincherson talks in.
  • This is the first aired episode of 2011 in the US.
  • This is the first time all minor characters wore water suits.

Production Information[]

International Premieres[]

  • February 26, 2011 (Turkey)
  • March 4, 2011 (Disney Channel UK)


  • When Bea says "You mean these students?" and it shows everyone in the bowls, it shows Clamantha next to one of Pass, Punt, and Fumble, but when Clamantha says that she needs room to boogie, it shows that the Unnamed Fish is next to her.
  • When after Finberley and Koi are trapped in two bowls. However, it shows Jumbo trapped in a bowl next to Finberley.




designates a character that did not appear in this episode.


Previously produced episode:
"Baldwin the Super Fish"
"Milo Gets a Ninja" Next produced episode:
"Dances with Wolf Fish"
Previously aired episode:
"Hooray for Hamsterwood"
Next aired episode:
